Craving a healthier inbox?

If you're like me, you light up from valuable emails filled with actionable wellness strategies. That's exactly what I'll send your way.

Each message is carefully curated to contain weekly updates and practical wellness strategies without overwhelming your schedule. The topics span from brain health to the impact of lifestyle on mental wellness, longevity, and nervous system balance

The open rate, thrice the industry average, speaks about the like-minded strong community we're building together and the feedback from the mails fills my heart with joy (read it below). 

If you want in, simply fill out the form below and I'll get back to you.

Love, Inka

 Replies & Feedback

"Hi Inka, 
Thank you for your very informative emails."

"I must say I usually don't even open or read newsletters, but I always read yours. I get so much out of them!"

"Hey Inka, I added you to my contact favorites because your emails are so helpful to me!"

"Thank you Inka, this is all very interesting. Looking forward to your YouTube video."


"Dear Inka, I know this is an automatized mailing list, but I really appreciate receiving your email, and I'm very grateful and inspired by your content. I totally relate to this (...) "


"Hi Inka, Thank you for this thoughtful email to your subscribers. This are great tips"


"I am grateful that I have subscribed to you and get your newsletters. I can hear your voice and wisdom in them!"

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