Want to live longer, healthier, and happier?

Inka Land
Nutritionist & neuropsychologist
PgDip(c) Nutrition and Disease, Licensed psychologist, MSc neuropsychology, BSc psychology and sports science, certified in CBT, ACT, functional lab testing, nutrigenomics, and nutrigenetics

Let's improve your wellbeing

  • Mental health
  • Brain rehabilitation
  • Nutrition and Supplement Protocols for health & longevity
  • Biohacking & Health optimization
  • Therapy (CBT, ACT, MBSR)
  • Functional lab testing (gene test, hormones, gut tests, mold illness, SIBO, IgG food sensitivity, etc)
  • Anti-aging & longevity

Appointments globally via Zoom in Finnish and English


Mia's results 

Inka helped me self-regulate my anxiety, fix my sleep, and double my energy levels. I saw many doctors before, but they didn't even look at the root causes. Inka deep-dived into all areas of my life to understand what was underlying my fatigue, and she was able to identify some issues. With her program, I finally began feeling better. Thank you.

- Mia, 34, working mother of 2


Results of Evan

I've learned to control my impulsivity and anger, and my mood has improved significantly. Inka's approach is emphatic and holistic, and I've learned much about psychology and the habits to keep my mind and brain healthy. As a CEO, this has been important for my leadership. My relationship has improved, too.

 - Evan, 45, CEO, US

Results of an anonymous client

Inka rehabilitated my cognition after I suffered a stroke. We met regularly during my hospital stay, and I regained my ability to read, direct my gaze, and focus. Inka's emotional support after the stroke was invaluable.

 - Anonymous

Read more about

My approach

Body & Brain

Creating balance in your body and brain is vital. It's important to support neurotransmitters, immunity, mitochondria, and organ health to maximize physical health and fitness.


Increasing self-awareness and mastering one's mind is crucial for brain rewiring, emotional balance, insight, happiness, and personal growth.


Values, relationships, and a sense of purpose are important human parts. It's essential to take the time to understand your deep desires and pain points and work on narrowing the discrepancy between how you feel and how you want to feel.

60-minute session


Initial consultation

  • One 55-minute ZOOM consultation
  • Recommendations in PDF format
  • Let's assess your situation and create your plan
  • Digital emotion/health tracker

Monthly subscription


  • Four 55 min ZOOM consultations once a week
  • Careful assessment of the situation
  • Goal setting
  • Therapy (CBT, ACT, tapping, MBSR)
  • Tests and assessment (lab tests separate cost)
  • Supplement & meal plan
  • Exercise plan 
  • Digital health tracking spreadsheet
  • Digital emotion journal
  • Email support for the month
  • Recommended products
  • Recommended health tech